Monday, March 13, 2006

Basic Principles of a Post-Beat Movement

Originally, I began this post as a reply to the great comment by Greg Humes on the “Post-Beat Movement” post. After thinking about the importance of some of the observations, I decided to turn it into a regular post for everyone.

Like all movements I perceive mine as the one to "end all movements" (one has to imagine Charlton Heston's voice booming down from Mt. Sinai, as those words are read).

But I take that stance from the perspective of generally ignoring stylistic influence and control. I believe most serious artists involved "in the great search" are process-oriented and already fulfilling the basic-requirements of the movement – which is in essence the “search for enlightenment”, however it may present itself. I’m just calling the “process” a “movement” and giving the “movement” a title for issues of permanence.

I agree with Greg Hume’s statement that essentially said Picasso was interesting, because he wasn’t held to a comfort zone. Ironically, I make the following statement on my own website:

The best description of my artwork is the following quote from Ben Shahn - "I believe if it were left to artists to choose their own labels, most would choose none."

While I believe the work is greater than the era or the place in which it was created; I realize there must be certain steps taken (without encroaching upon individual style) in order for the work to survive beyond the time of just the artist or originating individual collector. These steps, I perceive, to include belief in the following:

1. The process as the most important stage of the work; placed higher in importance than the completed artwork or even the individual artist.

2. Belief in the process as the search for fulfilling the muse. This in itself is unique to the individual artist. It can be peace, transcendence, clarification – whatever form takes the muse of the artwork to the level of distinction beyond both itself and the artist.

3. A first-person narrative vision of the work from production to completion. This personalizes the descriptive perception of the work as translated in literature, visual and performance arts and music.


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