Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Potential New Studio

I’ve been out-of-pocket a bit, lately, due to a couple details I’ll disclose in another week or two. From the above picture, one can ascertain that those details include recent searches for some new family digs boasting a much larger new studio, my present studio is between 400 & 500 sqft (a good size, but we’re always on the look-out for more space). We’ve found one that needs a lot of work, but so did my current incarnation. The new studio boasts a second floor and good storage opportunities for all those wooden shipping crates, between exhibitions, so I’m a bit psyched, despite the potential of having to insulate and drywall the building while still completing paintings for upcoming shows. It may or my not happen, but either way... this search has taken-up a good portion of my thoughts these last few weeks.– DN

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